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Quantitative trading

How to Use a Norgate Data Function to Plot The Unadjusted Stock Close

Photo by Pixabay

Using the Norgate Data functionality, it is simple to plot the unadjusted stock close. How to do it in Amibroker is shown below.

You can use the Norgate Data function that returns the unadjusted close on various platforms, but here I will show how to do this in Amibroker, along with some examples. In another article, I discussed how to use the unadjusted close in trading strategies. This article is about charting the unadjusted closing price.

I frequently plot the unadjusted close to get an idea of how splits and distributions have affected stock prices and to study the behavior of stocks after those events, especially the former.

If you have Norgate Data, the code is straightforward. You can do this in three lines:

#include_once “Formulas\Norgate Data\Norgate Data”
oc = NorgateOriginalCloseTimeSeries();
Plot(oc, “Unadjusted”, ParamColor(“Color”, colorCycle ), styleLine );
//Add your code below

Example 1. NVDA


The red series is the unadjusted close, and the blue series is the adjusted one. The unadjusted series clearly displays the last two splits.

Note that after the last action, the unadjusted and adjusted series are identical, so only the blue series shows up in the chart. This is true for all charts.

Note that a perfect translation of the two series indicates that the stock has paid no dividends. The example below illustrates this.

Example 2. TSLA


TSLA has never paid a dividend, and as a result, the two series differ by a translation. On the other hand, for stocks that pay dividends, the adjusted close shows significantly different behavior.

Example 3. MO


MO has one of the highest dividend yields, +8%. This contributed to the adjusted close’s strong uptrend.

With some extra code added to the basic three lines, one can determine the impact of dividends on the total return and use it in explorations to identify the behavior of stocks after corporate actions, as well as in strategies.

Disclaimer:  No part of the analysis in this blog constitutes a trade recommendation. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. Read the full disclaimer here.

Charting and backtesting program: Amibroker. Data provider: Norgate Data

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