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Market Statistics

Intel’s 10 Sigma Drop Is Not A Rare Event

Photo by Rod Dion

On August 2, 2024, the stock of Intel Corp. (INTC) fell 26.1%. This was a 10-standard deviation move based on the available sample of daily returns. However, these left-tail events have not been rare in Dow-30 stocks.

The histogram of INTC’s daily returns shows a left-tail event on August 2, 2024, with a magnitude of -26.1%, nearly 10-standard deviation below the mean based on the available sample.


These are not rare moves. The INTC stock also fell 22% on September 22, 2000. Using Norgate Data with delistings, we identified 18 Dow-30 stocks that have fallen more than 20% on a single day since 1990, with a total of 42 separate events.


In the stock market, company-specific risk is high, even if the stock is in a large-cap index like the Dow-30. Diversification is the only way to reduce specific risks.

Note that the 21-day return has been mostly positive after these tail events, excluding bear markets. This makes sense.

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Charting and backtesting program: Amibroker. Data provider: Norgate Data

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