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Weekly Market Report: Triggered

Photo By Ron Lach

The weekly market reports include a market position update, a stock market forecast, and an analysis of capital markets. To access the full report, you must subscribe to Premium ArticlesWeekly Premium Articlesor an All-in-One subscription.

Included in this report:

  1. Weekly summary.
  2. Market positioning update.
  3. Stock market forecast.
  4. Capital markets update.

1. Weekly Summary (July 29–August 2, 2024)


  • The stock market rout continued after an accumulation of adverse geopolitical and economic developments.
  • In the last three weeks, there has been an explosive mix of a failed political assassination attempt, a massive IT failure, increased uncertainty after the release of economic data, and severely escalating geopolitical tensions.
  • The Sahm rule’s triggering has sparked discussion on social media about a recession. Section 4 includes our comments.
  • Large-cap stocks (SPY) fell 2.1%. The losses in the last three weeks have totaled 5.6%.
  • The fixed-income market rallied primarily due to a “flight to quality,” but also due to data showing that the odds of a recession have increased. Long-duration bonds (TLT) surged 6% on the week.
  • Commodities (DBC) fell 1.5% amid rising odds of an economic slowdown. For the week, crude oil futures plunged 4.7%.
  • Due to rising geopolitical uncertainty, Gold (GLD) finished the week up 2.1% at new all-time highs, after rising as much as 3.7%.
  • The US dollar index (UUP) ended the week down 0.9% due to expectations of multiple rate cuts by the end of the year.
  • Gold (GLD) has outperformed stocks (SPY) since January 3, 2022, with a return of 31.8% versus 16.5%, respectively.
  • Since January 3, 2022, bonds (TLT) have been down 28.1%, while large-caps (SPY) have gained 16.5%.
  • For the week, the equally weighted magnificent six stocks fell 1.9%. AMZN plunged 8%, NVDA lost 5.2%, and META gained 4.8%.
  • The utilities sector (XLU) surged 4.3%, while the technology sector (XLK) plunged 5.3%.

Year-to-date relative sector performance


The utilities sector (XLU) is the best-performing sector year-to-date, with a 19.1% return after this week’s rally.

Year-to-date relative asset performance


Gold (GLD) is the best-performing asset year-to-date, with a gain of 17.9%. Bonds (TLT) moved into positive territory (+1.7%) this week, while commodities (DBC) fell into negative territory (-0.6%). The relative performance of bonds and commodities could be a signal of a regime change, but further confirmation is required.

2. Market positioning update

To provide market position updates, we use two cross-sectional momentum long-only strategies for capital markets and factor ETFs.

Last update: Friday, August 2, 2024, after the market close.

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Charting and backtesting program: Amibroker. Data provider: Norgate Data

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