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Two Indicators Spell Trouble for the Stock Market

Photo by Cottonbro Studio

After falling 8.5% from the July all-time highs, the S&P 500 index rebounded but was unable to break to new all-time highs. Two indicators spell trouble for the stock market.

The price action since July 17 of this year, when the S&P 500 made an all-time high, has been interesting. First, on a daily closing basis, the index fell 8.5% by August 5, but then gained 7% in 19 trading days. A 4.5% correction followed, and the price action shows signs of gaining momentum again, with the distance from all-time highs reduced to 3%.


Although the action has been dynamic so far, it has remained within “normal bounds.” Price action derivatives, also known as technical indicators, do not look as promising as the price action itself. Two indicators spell trouble for the stock market. However, we should always keep in mind that derivatives of price action are neither necessary nor sufficient signals for the future. They may also suffer from small samples. Nevertheless, these derivatives may at times provide a signal useful for risk management purposes. The two charts are below.

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Charting and backtesting program: Amibroker. Data provider: Norgate Data

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