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Technical Analysis

Bulls Are the Enemies of Bulls

Stock market bulls do not fear shorts because they know they can squeeze them out of the market. Bulls fear other bulls who might sell stocks when fundamentals and technicals get weak.

Stock bulls would like to see technicals getting worse and shorts accumulating. Then, another short squeeze will put another V-bottom in place, followed by a rise to new all-time highs. Sometimes this gets counterintuitive.


The daily chart’s technicals look weak. Technical analysts have names for those random patterns. However, for many years, bulls have benefited greatly from random bearish patterns. V-bottoms have followed the majority of those patterns, and shorts have been squeezed out. This will also happen after the current pattern unless some bulls decide to sell due to weakening fundamentals.

Instead of shorts, bulls face bulls who sell for cash or buy bonds. Current yield levels have been attractive, and we saw a rally in bond prices. Since February 19, the SPY ETF is down 3% while the TLT ETF is up 4.3%. However, this may be a “transitory” correction for stocks and a rebound for bonds. We will know soon. Forecasts are challenging, particularly when it comes to the markets.

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Charting and backtesting program: Amibroker. Data provider: Norgate Data

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