We use six quantitative strategies to generate systematic trading signals with precise entries and exits in the weekly timeframe. The strategies cover price series and cross-sectional momentum, mean reversion, and long/short with major ETFs and large-cap stocks. The Premium Signals updates are published during the weekend, with all entries and exits occurring at the following open. In the archives, you’ll find all the reports for the year and the last report from the previous year. The signals are for experienced traders who are looking for informational content. Subscription is for the signals only and does not include any strategy rules.
Click here for previous reports.
Sample report: Weekly Signals
For more details about the strategies, including performance, click here
Price: $295/3 months (Contact us for annual subscription discounts and payment methods.)
Bonus 1: Free access to articles in the Premium Trader Education section.
Bonus 2: Hybrid asset allocation and dynamic momentum signals. Click here for more details.
Disclaimer: The premium signals are provided for informational purposes only and do not constitute investment advice or actionable content. We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness, fitness, or timeliness for any particular purposes of the premium signals. Under no circumstances should the premium signals be treated as financial advice. The author of this website is not a registered financial adviser. Before subscribing, read our full Disclaimer and Terms and Conditions. Acceptance of the terms and conditions is required before subscribing.
There are no refunds for cancellations. After subscribing, you can download a receipt from your subscription details page. We do not provide a strategy code or any other details. Bonus offers may be terminated if these free services are no longer available. There will be no refunds in the event of the termination of bonus offers. The subscription price paid is for the Market Signals only. No credit card or bank details are stored in our system.
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