Premium Market Analysis, Trader Education, Software, and Trading Strategies. Thirty Years Of Skin In The Game

Weekly Signals For Position Traders

Generated by Grok

For strategies for sale, click here. The signals from the strategies below are offered as part of the Premium Signals service. For a sample report, click here. Disclaimer: The positions and new signals are for informational purposes only and do not constitute investment advice or actionable content. Read the full disclaimer here.

Please note: Performance is based on backtests and is provided for informational purposes only. Strategies can fail in the future if market conditions change. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. 

Strategy Market(s) Positions Strategy Type
TFD3W SPY, TLT Long-only Systematic Asset Allocation
MRSPYW SPY Long-only Mean-reversion
DMSRM Sector ETFs Long-only Rotation-holds up to four ETFs
ETFNRW Six ETFs Long-only Rotation-holds up to three ETFs
DOWWN 30 Dow stocks Long-short Long-short up to 6 stocks based on DLPAL LS rank
MRDOWW 30 Dow stocks Long-only  Mean-reversion, up to 6 open positions

The weekly timeframe applies to the signals of all strategies. All entry and exit signals are for the open price of the following weekly bar, except when a stop-loss is triggered.

TFD3W is a long-only systematic tactical allocation strategy using price series momentum for timing and cross-sectional momentum for position sizing.

MRSPYW is mean-reversion strategy for SPY ETF based on sound mathematics that generates long-only signals while avoiding bear markets. 

DMSRM trades several sector ETFs long-only based on momentum and can hold up to four ETFs at a time based on a ranking method. Strategy was introduced in 2024. 

ETFNRW trades several ETFs long-only based on momentum and can hold up to three ETFs at a time based on a ranking method. Strategy was introduced in 2021. 

DOWWN is a long/short strategy that trades up to six stocks long/short from the Dow 30 group of stocks using a ranking method based on features generated by DLPAL LS software. The strategy was dollar-neutral: 3 long and 3 short stocks of equal dollar allocation.

MRDOWW is a mean-reversion strategy based on sound mathematics that generates up to 6 long-only signals in Dow 30 stocks while avoiding bear markets.



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